Thrilled to be profiled by “This Dementia Life”, a vodcast made by members of the Dementia Action Alliance (DAA)


In this episode of ‘This Dementia Life’, Chuck McClatchey delves into the world of 3D Technology with his guest Mandy Salomon Co-founder and CEO of Mentia, Inc. Mandy talks about their ground-breaking care companion tool, Deva World, a 3D digital world filled with activities that support commonly expressed needs like a sense of belonging, a sense of independence, and the ability to express a life well-lived – all of which get depleted by Alzheimer’s and other related dementias.

We’d like to acknowledge the work of Chuck and producer, Mike Belleville. Both Chuck and Mike are living well with dementia.

And don’t miss DAA’s upcoming national conference, June 20-22 2019 in Atlanta.
We’ll be there too!